Saturday, September 30, 2023

More License Plate Work - Light Mount

 I started digging around getting the license plate light installed, and in the assembly manual, there is this little gem :

It doesn't say much about how it got into position, and my memory is fading, so I cannot answer how this little bracket is installed. With having to create the mounting bracket underneath, I'm starting to think I now have to custom build a bracket to fit this aftermarket bumper cover.  Okay, I'm going to treat this like we did the gasket, and create a paper template, print to make sure it fits, then print and glue to some angle iron that I can use to mount this thing up.  I'm hoping I don't have to remake the bracket, but we'll see.

First, it's time to grab a photo and take some dimensions.

With this, I fed this first into GIMP (the open source photo editing software), and "unskewed" it (rotating and altering how the image sites to simulate a perpendicular photo - symmetry is key).  Next, I open up Inkscape (open source Scalable Vector Graphics editor), and proceed to trace the image.

Once mapped out, it's time to make sure we got the size right.Select everything, and then make sure, using the measuring tool.

With accurate measurements, it's time to perform the object math - subtracting the pieces to get exactly what we want.

Finally!  We can now print this out, cut it, and test fit it.  (Note, I'm too lazy to get out the vinyl cutter and cut the part out automatically - so it's going to be a hand-cut, using the age old method of scissors.)

The test fit perfectly. Now I can print out another one, glue it to whatever will back this up, cut and machine it out.  That will complete the rear bumper, or anything from the doors back except for the sound system.

It was around this time that I realized no one carries a bracket, no one has a bracket for sale from old cars, and the Assembly sheets from the factory show no bracket at all.  Really?  I went through all of that for nothing?

Yup.  Good exercise, though.  Now to install the plate.

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